Fine minds do not retire. However, after a lifetime characterised by genuine scientific curiosity, this year marks the official retirement of Professor Tullio Pozzan. His profound interest in the life sciences was mainly expressed in the area of cell biology, mostly through his seminal work in calcium signalling. His broad reach also extended to other areas of cell communication and his pioneering findings have been widely recognised within the international scientific community.
The University of Padua is proud to host a one-day Symposium on the occasion of Tullio's retirement, to honour and celebrate not only a distinguished scientific career but also his services in a myriad of institutional roles. Long-term colleagues, alumni, as well as friends will come together in what we hope will be an exciting and eventful occasion.
Attendance is free but, for logistic purposes, we kindly request that you sign up through the online system, until 29 September 2019, to secure a place and enable an adequate organisation.
We look forward to welcoming you to Padua next October!
SIGN UP now!
Under the aegis of
Registration deadline:
29 September 2019
With the support of